Monday, March 1, 2010

Open VS Closed

Which of these do you prefer? Open relationship or closed?

I am being presented with an interesting scenario... Open relationship...

Of course the slut within AKA Holden was jumping up and down with joy coz she could still sex it up and not suffer the consequences AKA break up...

But me, the person, as a whole, feels a bit weird about it... Beyonce ain't the only one with an alter ego... my Sasha Fierce is called Holden... :P

First of, I did not ask for the open relationship... meaning the partner is a bigger slut than me!!! Good God, I never thought it would be possible... but wait, I know a few people... never mind, moving on... but I dunno how I feel about me being the lesser slut in the relationship, hehehe...

Secondly, am I really not that good a catch? I am certainly skilled... after all the sessions that I had... ya know, the sexin'... am I not enough? Did I not perform to his liking? Sigh...

If I continue down this road, I'll just go crazy. Am gonna simplify things... he's really that big a slut that even I could not satisfy him... Or I could just be happy that I have a boyfriend and I could still fuck around... at least you guys won't have a lack of reading materials yes? :P


  1. well i look at this from different perspective, sometimes a open relationship is not all abt sleeping around. some ppl might use as an excuse/passport to sleep around, whereas others wont take it for granted, but will try to stay faithful, just that when accidents happened they will not feel as guilty, and mayb he doesnt want u to have the pressure to stay faithful after knowing holden jr's characters?
    of coz i might b too optimistic, and he might b the sluttier one :P

  2. id prefer reading bout u and the slut =p
