Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
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So, there you go. :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
No, this is not a World Cup related post... the only ball I care about is not on the football field and they come in pairs... unless of course you count the balls on the soccer men... hehehe...
Ya know, after all this time, I have to say that I have had done me an African boy yet. I have done Caucasians, the American variety, Australian as well as Europeans. Latinos. Of course Asians. But I have yet to do African.
Guess I haven't had the chance to. No, no, wait, I have had the chance. I was contacted by an African boy who's studying here. Wanting to get with this chocolaty goodness.
Unfortunately, he ain't Taye Diggs. Not that I am hoping for Taye Diggs. If Taye Diggs want, I have no objection.
I do have a very low expectation/standards... and am kinda slutty... okay, okay, a lot slutty... so ordinarily I'd do em as long as they have ass and dick but sometimes this slut just don't wanna accept anyone... sometimes it takes someone hot to get this slut's temperature rising...
No offense to that guy but if I am not hot and bothered, then Holden Jr would not be all Hail Hitler!, if you get what I mean...
But then again, I do believe that everybody deserves a shot... coz they think I am pretty so I have to do them as a thank you... oh, no wonder I have very low standards... :P
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Abang Angkat
Anyway, there's this kid who contacted me via Gayromeo. He wanted to get to know me. Of course. That's what they all say.
His profile has no photo so I asked for one. He said he was not as handsome as I was so that is why his profile is photoless. Way to make a move on someone kid... telling them you're not confident. Like I am any more confident that he was... hehehe...
I gave him my email and he sent me a pic. Of him topless. Nice skinny body. Not much body fat but not much muscle definition either. Okay lar, not too bad. But then again, I do have very low standards. Hahahha.
So, after a million texts later, he agreed to come over to my place. As they all would, right? Otherwise, there would not be a post...
He is working around KL. Quite near to my office. But he did the graveyard shift and wanted to come over once he was done. Which would be around the time most of us get up to go to work. I don't really mind. At least I'll get to work early...
So I gave him directions. Which he failed to follow. And would end up somewhere off the beaten path. If this were An American Werewolf in London, he'd be mauled already.
Every time he'd call, he'd be at some exotic location of some sorts. I am not good with road names. I know how to get places but don't ask me for any specific road names...
I kept telling him to just follow my instructions but he kept refusing to listen. In the end, I kinda let him have it, telling him to stick to the instructions, if not he'd end up in Seremban or some other place that I am really not familiar with. Is it really hard to follow instructions?? Sigh...
In the end, he somehow managed to get to a place near where I live so I could just guide him over the phone to my place.
Must be one of those ADD kids... sigh...
So once he was at my place, he kept asking me all kinds of questions. Like what were my intentions, and what kind of guy I like...
I asked him the same questions. He evaded. But he did say that his cock was hard. A sign that he likes me. So I told him he was in bed with me. Same kind of sign.
After that, he got naked. But he did not do anything. Waiting for me I guess. This is gonna be boring.
He told me that he's not looking for a relationship and that he has so many 'abang angkats' and that he is happy with that arrangement. Fine by me. I just wanted a piece of ass and I would not even get that.
Ringan-ringan jer. That's what he said. I got bored of all the doing nothing so I worked on his nipples and then sucked his cock and licked his balls.
He then decided to let me cum first, by way of dry humping. I turned him around and got scared. He said he did not wanna get fucked. As tempting as that sounded, I did not wanna fuck him, just wanted to hump. So I did, and I came on his back.
It was all so passionless. Should've just stuck it in yes? hhehehe...
He got cleaned up and promptly left. Guess he has his abang angkats to help him get off...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Anyways, not to worry... everything should be back on track now... and i've got some stories brewing... I've got some more stuff that I haven't shared... yup, that's right... it's not in chronological order... :P
I am off to the home town... have a good weekend... expect something new some time next week.... :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Anyway, I have experienced auto-cum in the form of the former... I haven't had an intense fucking that would make me auto-cum so far... only had a couple of sessions where it might go that route but the tops did not exactly last that long... sigh...
At first, I was all for auto-cumming. Very the sexy in my eyes. Especially if the bottom is riding your hard cock, all sweaty and moaning, with his hard dick bouncing up and down... and suddenly you felt the asshole tightening and he'd ejaculated all over you... gets me all the time... or at least I thought it did...
I am increasingly feeling resentful when it's happening these days... I used to think auto-cumming is a top's Academy Award! It was like the Oscar for Best Fucking or something to that effect. Shows the bottom having the time of his life.
But what of the top? Sure he can screw the bottom into eye-rolling bliss but for most bottoms, after they came, they'd be too sore to continue. The top would be left high and dry. Literally.
Only a select few can continue getting fucked. Let's face it. Once we cum, we automatically feel tired and sleepy. Especially me. Cumming is like my very own sleeping pill.
Where am I going with this? The resentful feeling. Coz I worked hard and they get rewarded and I wouldn't. Coz I've not (and probably would never) experience that. Coz some of them doesn't even have the courtesy to ask me if I was done. They'd pack up and leave immediately.
The auto-cum novelty wore off. Quickly. Now, I dread it. I just fucked this one guy, and he too, like the others, came without touching himself. While getting pounded by me. As soon as that happened, Holden Jr deflated. Even though the guy told me to continue, but my heart wasn't in it anymore so I just went to the toilet and got cleaned up.
Sigh. Maybe I oughta look into doing stuff differently so that I might come faster or spurt at around the same time as the bottoms... or even get the bottoms to try withholding spurtage until I am close... anybody got any suggestions? Don't be shy. There's a bunch of you that reads this blog. All 5 of you. Lemme know...
But then again, I guess I should be grateful that they're autocumming... I don't have to actually work that hard to blow them or give them a handy afterwards eh? :P
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010
That question still haunts me. I have not thought about it before. I never realized that I have been in his shadows.
Rick is my best friend. The jerk that asked me that question was a guy I was trying to woo. Apparently, he was only interested getting Rick and he figured I was the way to go – the best friend.
I knew that Rick is far superior from me in terms of, well, everything. He comes from money. He is very beautiful, athletic and charming. I, on the other hand, am all the things that he is not. I guess that is why we became friends in the first place. People say opposites attract right? Yup, we were drawn to each other like moths to a flame. But we were not sexually attracted to one another, mind you. We both like chasers and so there would be no hanky panky between us, thank you.
Anyway, we were in this trip to an exotic island and I had my eye on this one new guy that came with our group. He is quite fair, very hot and very easy on the eyes. But I knew he would be better matched with Rick. They both are very athletic and very active. I guess I never really thought of it that way since Rick is happily betrothed and I am the single one. I should have taken on the mentality of a chaser.
I was having my lunch alone when he sauntered up to the buffet line. I asked him to eat with me and he agreed. We got to talking and by the time we finished talking, we were in his room getting hot and heavy. I thought it was a good sign because we had an amazing connection during the meal and the talk. Then he popped the question! No, not “Will you marry me?”
I mean, come on! We are in Malaysia after all. It’s not like we are in Europe or something. It was that threesome question. I was so hurt and ought to just get up and leave right? Well, it has been months since I last made out with a hot guy so I stayed and made out. That is, until his roommate came back from snorkeling.
I went back to my room and gave Rick a piece of my mind. In the end, I felt bad because it was not his fault but I just had to vent. This was not the first time it happened. There was this one other guy that I liked but he had never given me the time of day. However, when Rick is around, he would shower me with so much attention that people would have mistaken him as my loving lover. In reality, he has no interest in me whatsoever.
I so feel like one of Cinderella’s ugly stepsisters. Maybe I should start calling Rick Cinderella from now on. Sigh. I should be grateful though right? Because of Rick’s fabulousness, I get to make out with hot guys and people tries to get close to me. I gotta get my priorities sorted out I guess...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Personals 2
Judging by the moaning, I was doing a good job.
After that, I went immediately to the balls. I don't know why but I kinda like to not suck the cock that early in the game. Maybe I am a tease... hhahaha...
Anyway, the natural course of things once the balls were licked... the asshole... so I went down on him and rimmed him... he was squirming and moaning, which was a good sign... then I sucked his cock... had I mentioned that the cock was thick? My jaw hurt after a while... so I laid back and made him service me, hopefully he'd learn how to do things now...
But he did not... which was too bad... for me...
I got bored so I told him to lay on his belly... straddling his nice round ass, I licked him from the neck to his ass... all over his back, giving him little bites here and there... his body stiffened every time I licked and he moaned like crazy...
Especially when my licks/bites got the ass... once I worked on his asshole, going deeper and deeper with my tongue, he was thrashing wildly... kept calling me baby and in the end he begged me to fuck him... he said I had won, that I was the better performer...
So I strapped on a condom, lubed up and attempted penetration almost immediately... before he changed his mind...
Unfortunately, his asshole was really, really, really tight... I just could not poke through... so he was not kidding about being an ass virgin...
I just have to work extra hard then... to get into that warm, tight heaven... I used fingers and applied extra lube and tried again... this time I popped through... he winced a bit but other than that, he did not complain of any pain...
So I went on with the fucking, enveloped in the tightness and the warmth... him on his belly, my belly on his back, moving in and out... I could tell it was uncomfortable for him and I asked him about it but he said it was fine... so I continued on...
He even asked me to fuck him again, just before we went to bed... never underestimate the power of the tongue... my tongue to be exact... hehehe..
Friday, April 30, 2010
We decided to meet for dinner around my work area one night. He was right. He was hot stuff. But then again, it might be a bad sign if the guy knows and/or thinks he's hot... right?
He was also quite the cocky and kept thinking he was all that and a bag of chips. Called me out on my nervousness and laughed about it. Sure, he has really high confidence and I did not...
Anyways, we had dinner and talked and chatted, you know, the works... we got to know each other and found out our likes and dislikes. We had plenty in common. Which was a very good start. Or so I thought.
So as the evening went by, the dinner ended and we wound up going for karaoke. Nice voice. No wonder he's full of himself.
After that, he asked if he could spend the night at my place. So we took the train back to Permaisuri and headed on to my bedroom... I mean, my place, heheeh...
Um, there was this issue of our roles... coz apparently he was a top... and I really did not feel like bottoming for him... hotness notwithstanding... coz he was already overly cockfident, fucking me in the ass would make him think he was invincible.
But of course, I think he was not going to give up without a fight. We were going to have a duel as to who were going to end up the top.
After we took a shower, we got ready for sex, I mean, bed. Already saw his cock in the bathroom and it's huge. Like seriously. Thick and long. Dayyyymmmnnn.
So I would be adamant for him to not top. At least not yet.
We made out. But young guys being young guys, they wanna jump start to the real action immediately. He went and sucked my cock. Voracious sucker, this one. Although no real talent for sucking. No usage of tongue, nothing. Just using his lips and going up and down my cock really fast. See? Hotness is not really a guarantee of a good lay.
And don't even get me started on the nipple play. It's like his mouth was so big that he could not even get to the nipple. It was like suction all around the nipular area but no action on the actual nipples.
Anyway, so it's my turn and I was all too happy to school him in the arts of seduction, making love and fucking...
To be continued...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
But there's this one guy who messaged me... chinese, slim... but no face pic... just body... and cock... hehehe...
Nice... but I still need to see the face... so I asked him to MMS the face pic to me and he did... cute... doable... :)
But he only asked me if I wanted to be frens... so I never initiated anything, until of course he asked if we could have fun...
So we set a date to meet... during the weekend... but my plan on Saturday fell through so I asked him to come over one day early... and he was available... hmm, what does that say about him?
Anyway, I had to go and pick him up and the LRT station... so once we were safe inside the house and away from prying eyes, we went into the bedroom and we did the small talk. He put his hand on my thigh and said the cutest thing...
He said he doesn't really know how to get it started...
Hmm, he did say he was kinda inexperienced... so it was up to me then... the more experienced one...
I kissed him... and then kiss on the neck... once I got him moaning, I took off his pants... but it was kinda hard taking his belt off with one hand and the other hand handling his butt... hehehe...
So he stopped the kissing and took it all off. Then he took all my clothes off.
After that, we resumed the kissing and the necking. Then I kinda guided him towards the nipples and he obliged... but it was too tame for my liking so I told him to bite... still, tame... sigh...
Then he went down on me, taking Holden Jr deep in his mouth, while I play with his asshole. His moans were muffled by the cock in his mouth. He seemed to be lost in his own paradise... unfortunately, just a blowjob won't do it for me so I pull him up, off of the cock and lay him on his back...
I went to work on his nipples and parted his legs... his cock was a nice size, big and long but not too big and not too long... hmm, did I take a picture? Or was I too 'in the moment'? :P
Anyways, I did not blow him... just licked his balls... he seemed to enjoy it, with the writhing and all... then he started to raise his hips as my tongue travel south, towards the asshole... but his ass was kinda hairy so I did not really get to rim properly... too many trees blocking ya know? hehehe...
So I abandoned the hole and went for the nips and also the neck... his legs permanently in the air was a signal for me to start the fucking... his face was flushed and his breathing was heavy... I got Holden Jr ready and began penetration...
He winced and moaned... the bad kind... I stopped but did not take it out... I waited for his breathing to calm a bit and continue the descent towards ecstasy... once he was ready and I was deep inside, I began rocking him back and forth... no, no, wait... I began moving my hips and fucking him but he also started to rock back and forth, as though the impact of the fucking was too great that he'd fly off the bed if I was not holding on to his shoulders...
He said he was okay to continue so I pulled him up. Unfortunately, he lifted his hips and my cock was freed from its heavenly prison. If he had not lifted his ass, he would've wound up riding my cock on top and I'd be lying on my back, enjoying the view... sigh...
So I tried getting him to sit on it but he could not manage... so I pushed him into the doggie style position and fucked him for a while... then I put all my weight on him, making him collapsed on the bed and fucked him in the reverse missionary position...
But I don't want to cum just yet so I gathered him up in my arms and flipped our bodies. He was now lying on top of me. I pushed his upper body up so he'd be in the riding position. He got the picture and started riding. But he was not riding riding ya know... he was kinda resting riding... so I reached up and leaned his body towards mine and started to thrust my cock upwards...
He moaned and completely leaned into me so I started to fuck him faster. As soon as he was completely limp against me, I knew he was lost in ecstasy so I flipped us again...
Back to the missionary position. I fucked him hard. He moaned loudly. He raised his ass as though he wanted me to go deeper... I went at it like crazy until I came... Flipped us again... he was still hard, as was I... I jerked his cock while he was grinding... when he erupted, it was like a tidal wave... dayyyyymmmnnn... gotta change the sheets now... sigh...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ricky Martin
Guess who came out of the closet?
His partner mayhaps??
Full story:
Thursday, March 25, 2010
On Top
Of course I liked. He messaged me and we exchanged YMs. We started chatting and I saw his avatar. Not too bad. And yes, he is a cub. Bottom.
He asked me what I would like him to do for me. I asked him instead. He answered he likes to suck cock and doesn't mind getting fucked. He also mentioned he likes to be on top and riding and he enjoys cumming while getting fucked. Actually he prefers to cum while getting fucked, then the partner coming inside of him.
He is sooooo in luck coz I like to do him in all the ways that he likes. :)
So we arranged to meet up. He lives nearby enough so it was quite easy. He arrived and we went into the room. I was watching a DVD so we continued watching. I was lying down and he rested his head on my chest.
I took the opportunity to put my hand on his back. Firm. Yes, he is not slim but he is not too flabby. Just nice.
After a while, we stopped watching the movie and started making out. He kissed me and tore my shirt off, started attacking the nipples. Just nice.
Then he took off my boxers and sucked Holden Jr. For quite a while. Guess he was not lying about the liking of the act of sucking cock. And he did not even make a move for me to take his cock in my mouth. He was content with my hard on in his mouth. Sometimes, when he would come back up for air, he'd lick my balls. Just nice.
He spent so much time there that I had to pry him off of the cock and have him do the nipples. But his true calling in life was down there so off he goes. After a few more minutes, he'd decided that my cock was worshipped enough so he climbed on top and attempted to grind.
Guess he was ready to be come. I pulled him closer to me and attacked his nipples. He moaned and thrashed wildly. I reached for the equipments and got Holden Jr ready. Once I was done with his nipples, he immediately sat down on the cock. It did not take at first so he tried it slowly this time and guided it with his hand.
It went in smoothly. He moaned as Holden Jr was enveloped in warmthness. Just nice.
Then, he began to ride like it was his last ride off to the sunset. Every time he stopped, I'd fuck him hard from underneath, bouncing him up and down as I do so. He was bouncing up and down from the fucking and my cock was also moving in and out. So it was like double fucking or opposite fucking or something. Alls I know, he was moaning and throwing his head back.
I think two minutes into it, he started exclaiming out loud that he was cumming. Eh? So soon? He started to jack off. I slapped his hand away and began fucking/bouncing him furiously. Auto-cum is so much more sexier yes?
He threw his head back yet again and moaned really loudly and said he was cumming, in a really urgent tone. So? Who's stopping you? Cum lar...
And he did... without touching himself. All over my belly. I was panting and fell on top of me. With Holden Jr still inside him.
I asked if he'd have the strength to continue and he nodded. I had him switch positions. Now he is on his belly, not unlike the photo in his profile and I penetrated from behind and laid on top of his back.
My fave position. So I started fucking him. Hard. His moans became louder and louder by the minute. Towards the end, it was not moaning. It was more like a whimpering. I asked him if he was fine and he said he was. So I kept at it until I came. After we got cleaned up, he asked if he could spend the night.
Ordinarily, I would not mind but it was not planned in advanced. I don't really like last minute planning so I told him it was not a good idea and let him go on his way. But I did let him I'd like to see him again. Auto-cum is damn hawt!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Okay, not really. He was not bad looking at first. But the thing that was turning me off was his holier than thou attitude and annoying demeanor. I had thought we'd never met coz I'd never travel but he seemed adamant that he would. Unfortunately, his attitude was too much a turn off... and one time, he actually asked me if I could set up a threesome with one of my archrivals. Last straw, lovely to meet you... :)
He even messaged me saying I was a bit tawdry because I talk about sex, more importantly sex with him... prude much? Did not contact him for almost one year after that... until I saw his facebook profile picture... two words for ya... YUM - MY... guess that's one word... yummy...
So I got in touch with him again... yes, yes, I am a lookist... but looks aren't everything... it's the only thing... it's not like I am looking for a relationship... Holden wants sex so looks, very important... not that the standard is very high... hiihihi...
Anyway, one year later... he finally arrived... swinging by KL just to see me... awww...
And yes, he still looks good... and sexy... and manly... and of course he stayed at my place... erk, he's messaging me... brb...
Back... okay, so the first time we were in bed... I want to touch coz he's hot... but with the tawdryness and all... I dunno...
We were talking and his hands started roaming my body and settled at the groin area and he massaged Holden Jr to life. We kissed once and only once because he doesn't like kissing. So we fooled around, licking necks and nipples... until he asked if I like to blow... of course I like to blow but I also have this thing where I don't like to be told... I'll get to your cock you impatient fuck... hold on to your panties lar... aiyo...
Of course I blew him... I had not realized he was uncut... just as I was about to perform, I got a whiff of cheese... yes... unfortunately it was too late for me to turn back so... huhuhu...
I got him nice and hard... boy, he was probably 8 inches at least... probably 9... I ain't sure... but he was huge... and he asked if he could fuck me... *gulp*
But he was hot and I was in heat... he knows how to work it... he also brought condoms... okay2, I am sold... I ripped the condom out of the packet and tried to sheath his weapon... but I could not... apparently his cock is too thick for one to just roll the condom onto it... he stretched the condom first then worked hard to get his cock sheathed...
I was scared and intimidated but I was also intrigued... haven't had a cock this big before... the biggest I had was around 7 inches... I think...
Mounting him while he was lying on his back, I aimed his monster cock to my hole and attempted to sit on it... it was a chore... could only get a couple of inches in before it hurt... so it took quite a while to get even half inside me... even tried riding with the half dick inside...
But it proved too much... so I got off of him... and laid on my back... he attacked my nipples and I lubed more and fingered myself... then he attempted to penetrate me again... this time, he went in further... he started to move inside me... it felt awkward and a bit painful... then he grabbed me and hoisted me onto him while he laid on his back...
Soon as we got in position, his cock went inside me to the hilt... I think my kidney could feel the stab... it did not hurt at all... it was like euphoria... something I've haven't felt before while getting fucked... so I started riding him and every stab felt good... I even got an erection and I felt like I was gonna cum...
After a while, he pushed me onto my back and laid on top of me and started fucking me hard... until he grunted and came...
I did not tell him that was the best fucking I've ever had... but I told him I'll do a number on his ass the next night and he smiled in response... :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
I also prefer to meet up with versatile guys or bottoms. I kinda not prefer tops, unless of course those tops are the kind who are actively want to lick your entire body. Yes, I have met tops who don't suck cock. They just want their cocks sucked and then, want to fuck you. Oh, who am I kidding. If they're hot enough, sure I'd meet them. :p
Anyways, someone messaged me via PlanetGayBearManRomeoGuys4MenwwwForestJam.com (guess how many websites are in that mash-up?) and stated that he liked my look but was turned off by the fact that I am a vers top... so why message me then eh? hmmm
After a couple of messages, we exchanged YMs and after a couple of hours chatting, we exchanged phone numbers. Yes, as Fable Frog now knows, I don't like to waste time... :P
But what about the being turned off you ask? Beats me....
So we decided to meet up for dinner. He brought me to a place I've not been before, which I always appreciate. The food was new to me and good. Yay! So he is gonna get lucky for sure. But I play down that card first to see what he wanna do.
He asked me if I wanted to come over to his place. I played hard to get and said that it was late and the LRT will no longer operate soon. He volunteered to send me home afterwards. Huh. Even after he was turned off... He must really like me then...
Cut to... we're at his place... we took a shower, separately and laid in bed. He turned off the lights and immediately attacked me. He has this weird thing that he does. He likes to get on top and then uses his limbs to stretch me. Like a vise. It hurt like hell but he apparently likes it. He also has this other weird thing that he does... he likes to lick my neck, the side of my face and my ear.
Sounds good on paper no? But in reality, he licked once, drooled all over my ear and sucked. As in sucked the air near my ear. Like a vacuum cleaner. Can you imagine how that scene would play out? Take vacuum cleaner and turned it on. Put the sucking thingy next to your ear and there you have it. He doesn't do much there. Just parked next to the ear and vacuumed. Guess my ears were dusty. My ears were ringing after his vacuuming.
Anyway, he also pre-cummed a lot... it's not the water-y kind... it had the consistency of glue... after rolling around with him, my belly, my thighs and just about everywhere on me is covered by a glue-like substance. Blowing him in one minute would cover my tongue with it and render it senseless... huhuhu...
Let's just say I am not really enjoying myself. And don't even get me started on how forceful he was about fucking me. I told him I don't want to get fucked on the first date. Maybe at the second date, after he takes me to a much more expensive place. Hey, a girl's gotta have standards right?
Anyway, since he was adamant on having his way, I was also forceful when it comes to the sexing. I turn him on his back and licked his back. Starting from the neck, moving slowly down until the ass and then bite his ass. He thrashed underneath me but as I was the chub and he was the slim, I outweigh him and he resigned to his fate of being licked by me.
After a while, I decided to try fucking him. He did not resist or put up a fight. He lets me lube up his hole with spit and attempted to fuck him. I pressed the head of my dick onto his hole and waited for it to open up and allow Holden Jr passage but I guess he wasn't lying about being pure top. It was really, really tight.
But I forced it. Pressed on. He started to moan loudly. I was getting through. He did not protest nor did he thrash. But unfortunately, Holden Jr failed to penetrate. We tried many times after that. We could not penetrate. This job requires the aid of KY... but he apparently had none on hand.
So we went to sleep since I needed to work in the morning. But I could not really sleep since he kept forcing himself on me. Touching me. Touching Holden Jr.
At one point, when the sun comes up, he pushed me onto my stomach and attempted to fuck me. I was soooo sleepy that I let him try coz he'd failed the night before. Oh, yes, I spent the night at his place. Hihihi.
Somehow, he managed to penetrate. But I did not really feel it until he started fucking me. Huh. Either my ass is loose or his dick is small... moving on quickly... :P
After a while, it started to get uncomfortable. His fucking did not really feel good, although he said he would make me feel good. Hmmm... all I know is that I was angry... I told him I did not want to get fucked yet. He insisted. He forced. He did it anyway. That son of a...
Once he slipped out, accidentally and without cumming, I pushed him off me and went to the toilet. I took a shower, got ready and asked him to send me to the office.
He ain't seeing me again. Ever.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Open VS Closed
I am being presented with an interesting scenario... Open relationship...
Of course the slut within AKA Holden was jumping up and down with joy coz she could still sex it up and not suffer the consequences AKA break up...
But me, the person, as a whole, feels a bit weird about it... Beyonce ain't the only one with an alter ego... my Sasha Fierce is called Holden... :P
First of, I did not ask for the open relationship... meaning the partner is a bigger slut than me!!! Good God, I never thought it would be possible... but wait, I know a few people... never mind, moving on... but I dunno how I feel about me being the lesser slut in the relationship, hehehe...
Secondly, am I really not that good a catch? I am certainly skilled... after all the sessions that I had... ya know, the sexin'... am I not enough? Did I not perform to his liking? Sigh...
If I continue down this road, I'll just go crazy. Am gonna simplify things... he's really that big a slut that even I could not satisfy him... Or I could just be happy that I have a boyfriend and I could still fuck around... at least you guys won't have a lack of reading materials yes? :P
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I know, I know, almost all of my posts have me orgasming in someone's ass yes? But this time, it was not in the ass. It was a handy...
It all started... *going into story mode* when I chatted with someone on IRC... I swear to God, one of these days I am gonna have a story where it doesn't start with IRC or Manjam or Gayromeo or Facebook...
I digress... IRC, chatting... exchanging of pics... we both likey... exchanging of phone numbers... SMSes... then we meet up... you know the usual drill...
He is slightly older than me... shaved bald... not muscular but not flabby either... like a tough bear, except he is not really hairy...
He wanted to meet up one morning and he even brought breakfast... we chatted for a while before we adjourned to the bedroom... I knew he liked me because we exchanged pics and he really wanted to get into my pants.
So after the necessary gropings, the clothes flew off. He took charge and roamed my body with his tongue. His nipple work was particularly impressive...
Crap, I could not recall much about our encounter... guess it was nothing special apart from the handy... okay, I'm skipping to the handy then...
He really wanted me to cum... but I just could not do so unless deeply embedded inside an ass... he jerked me with fervor with one hand and played with my nipple with the other... when he got tired he asked me to masturbate myself...
But all that accomplished was making my hand tired... He grabbed Holden Jr and masturbated... he stuck to his guns and did it until I felt the beginnings of a climax... I started to move my hips as though I was fucking an ass... coupled with the friction from his handy, it was starting to feel really good... before I knew it, I had climaxed, all over myself... it took him all of 45 minutes give or take the amount of time we put in for the foreplay...
This is the third time I came via a handjob... I normally don't... and there are very little brave souls out there who would work on Holden Jr for that long to make me cum...
So after kissing him deeply, we got cleaned up and he sent me off to Times Square for my bowling practice...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Someone messaged me and we got to chatting for a while... he has no pic to trade, but he liked my pic... so we exchanged phone numbers and kept in touch... but somehow I got the distinct impression that he does not wanna have fun with me... I am okay with that... being friends is a good thing too...
So one night, he messaged, asking if he could come over since he was passing through Permaisuri... I was free so we set a time to meet...
He seems okay. Cute. But non-threatening. His body lingo did not tell me he was interested in having sex, even though I asked him to come up and he said yes. Maybe he just wanted to see my place... all our communications also did not suggest any such sexual connotations... did not even know he was a top or a bottom..
Once we were inside the flat, we talked about the normal stuff and yet he still did not show any signs of wanting sex. He even said he needed to leave soon because he had another client he had to go meet. Talking it is then.
After a while, he started to touch me. Lingering touch here and there. Then, the conversation steered towards sex stuff. This was when he said he was only top. But it was already time for him to go and the client had called.
He ignored the guy's calls and engaged in the horizontal tango. He pushed me down on the bed and kissed me. He groped my crotch while I grope his. Felt weird. Need to rip open pants to see...
He took off my tee and licked my nipples. Then he took off his own clothes. I took his cue and took off mine. He resumed the nipple work while I finally get to see why I felt weird groping him. His cock was slightly bent. Not a full-on hook but the curve was noticeable.
Oh-oh. How's that gonna feel up my ass?
I pushed him down now and started to work on his nipples. Then I sucked his dick to full hardness. Yep, no two ways about it. It was curvy like a hook...
He asked for a condom. I suited him up but then I realized I had not done the necessary things to be a bottom. Aaaaannnnnddd I am sure you guys know where this story is headed...
But before that... I lubed his cock and my ass and attempted to sit on it. Okay, went through okay, mostly coz it's not that thick but still sizeable... once I hit the curve, not the shopping mall, was when it started to feel weird... but not weird enough to stop...
I managed to take it all in but the riding part was a bit off coz I could not really ride... or I could ride but I did not feel anything... either or I guess... not too sure at that point...
I tried leaning back. I tried leaning forward. Nothing ever felt right for that ride... so when he asked to change positions, I agreed immediately...
But when we moved and his cock came out, I felt icky and then there was a whiff of something unpleasant... yes, yes, ewww... but the guy raised my legs and penetrated... and kept fucking me... but at that angle, it was slightly unbearable... plus I was already turned off...
So I told him to stop... and went to clean up... but there was nothing... no smell, no icky stuff anywhere on my ass... was I imagining it? Even when the guy went to the toilet, there was no smell and the condom on his penis was clean...
But as soon as I got back to the bed... there it was... an unseemly spot on the sheet, albeit a tiny one... but still a noticeable spot... but there was no smell... just splooge of a different color...
Anyways, I ripped off the bed sheet and put it in the washing machine while the guy got ready to leave... once he was gone and the sheet was spinning in the machine, I got to ponder about all those encounters where I get chocolate surprises... guess from now on, no matter what, stop and get your body ready... huhuhu
Monday, February 8, 2010
Sugar Boy 2
Anyways, there was this one time I went back to his place with him... as per usual, he was all over me... but he wanted to fuck me again... the last time he fucked me, I was really sore and could not really sit down properly... huhuhu... my office mates were all suspicious already...
I told him there would be no me bottoming, at least until I healed... okay, I told him I'd never bottom for him again... he had no finesse, just enthusiasm, over-eagerness, big cock and the stamina of a youth... sigh...
He made a face and stopped touching me... fine by me coz I was really sore up to a point where it was hurting... then he changed his mind and blew me...
When I was hard enough, he climbed on top and sat on it and rode... until I was bored and we switched positions, without taking Holden Jr out... he was on his belly and I was on top of him... fucking him hard until I come...
It was a particularly bad day for me at work... after the shower, I thought I could get some sleep... but once he was done with his online stuff, he made a move to wake up Holden Jr... I let him... hehehe... what? I love sex... even though I am tired...
But after a while, he turned me on my stomach and attempted to fuck me again... the pain in my ass (literally) flared up again and I snapped at him... if he were in pain, I would not be forcing... this is verging on rape... which I had to admit had a kind of thrill to it... but I was not feeling it since the pain was unbearable...
He still tried to get some sex out of it but as he could not penetrate, he decided to sit on my cock and ride until he came...
Cut to: the morning...
I was sound asleep when I felt something warm on Holden Jr... yes, it was a new kind of alarm clock... by the time I was fully awake, he was already mounted on top of me and riding like there's no tomorrow... at one point, he stopped riding... I grabbed him and move his hips as though he was still riding... felt damn good...
I was lost in euphoria until I glimpsed at my handphone... it was almost 9am... we had to go... so I faked an orgasm and we got ready to go to work...
Once we were out the door, I contemplated about him... him and me... us... our future... I decided to not see him anymore after I bought him breakfast and gave him money for lunch and dinner...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Thanks dear, I shall keep that in mind... :)
To the other readers, tune in to my brain frequency and read the bold part of that comment... tell me you read it as I did...?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Anyway, I am skipping ahead to the most recent one... because it was sooooo hot! Hehehe...
He messaged me on Manjam. I've seen the profile before. But there was no action until recently. Hmmm...
So we did the required messaging and stuff... until I asked him if he were available to come to my place. See, the Swing Guy could not make it. We had planned to have a wild night together but he bailed at the last minute. Sigh. So I asked Tattoo Guy. But don't tell him that he was plan B ok? Dun wanna hurt his feelings... :)
Oh yes, he has tattoos. Sexy tattoos. Chinese Guy, shorter than me. I am not sure if he goes to the gym but he has a nice body. Not buff or defined but toned. Like a swimmer's body. Yum.
So he comes over. At 3 in the morning. Coz that was the only time he was free. So I was up all night waiting for him to come. Okay2, a couple of hours...
He was not familiar with my area so he got lost plenty of times. I had to go downstairs to fetch him. Like, literally walking the streets to find him. Sigh. I did find him. Down the street, off on a tangent.
So we sat down at the bus stop for a while and chatted. He did not seem that excited... but maybe it's late already... but when I got up to go back, he got up as well. Good sign yes?
Resisted the urge to grope him in the elevator. Am I strong willed or what? Yeah, yeah, there was another guy in there... :(
Once we were safely inside, he excused himself to go to the toilet.
Then, I led him to the bedroom and hugged him from behind. Daymn, he really was toned. Quite an armful to hug. In a good way. He leaned into me so I nuzzled his neck, which got a moan out of him. So I started necking. Like seriously necking. If I were a vampire, he'd be dry already. He absolutely loved it. I grabbed his crotch and it was rock hard.
I guess I licked and kissed his neck for a good 10 or 15 minutes. By that time, he had stripped himself naked. He grabbed Holden Jr and played with him with one hand while the other held my hand, which was incidentally tweaking his nipple.
I stopped necking to take his shirt off. He laid down on the bed while I strip. Goddess, he looked so hot all flushed like that, lying on my bed. I immediately continue the neck assault, which was followed by a tongue lashing for the nips. He was squirming beneath me. I moved into the position between his legs and he automatically raised his legs so now we were intertwined, his legs wrapped around my waist and my hands beneath his arched back.
After that, I got off of him and laid down. He immediately took to servicing my nipples. It was not good at first. A bit sloppy. Like he was trying to find his footing or something. But after he took Holden Jr in his mouth, his nipple work became top notch.
I started to play with his nice ass. Tight hole. He did moaned when I put pressure on the area between his balls and his asshole... hmm, what's that area called? I know it's quite a G-spot for some guys. Lick there or even bite there a little. They'll go wild. Trust me. Heheheh.
Anyway, I fingered his entrance, to gauge his willingness to get fucked. No protest. So a fucking is the order of the night. But he was still sucking my cock. Seemed to enjoy it so I let him continue for a while.
After that, I laid him on his back and work on his nipples again, alternating with his neck. Then only I noticed... apart from the tatts, he also has a lot of piercings. Which made me worried a bit. What if I tore one off in the middle of a heated sitch?
Then I saw his cock... it was nicely sized, not too big, not too small. But it was uncut, the kind where the head cannot come out. Yep, covered with skin, except at the piss slit. I've never done that kind before. Usually, the uncut ones are not covered by skin...
I kinda hesitated to put it in my mouth. Dunno why. So I went straight to the balls. He raised his legs as though knowing where I was heading. And head there I did. Went to town with him moaning away...
I reached for the lube and condoms (which was always within reach, eheheh) and suited up. Again, no resistance from him. Yay. I lubed him up and pointed Armored Holden Jr at the entrance. He held his legs while I maneuvered Holden Jr to enter him. Once inside, Tatts gave a slight hiss but did not ask me to take it out or stop.
So I went in all the way and waited for a bit. His face was scrunched up. Not sure if it was pain or pleasure. I moved my hips a bit and grabbed his legs. Tatts did not make a sound. Guess I should start making him moan eh?
I moved. Started the fucking. Right on cue, he started moaning. I gave him my all. The slow fucking. The long dicking. The sewing maching. His moans intensified as I put his legs on my shoulder.
I went in deep for a while. Thrusting hard inside him. Suddenly, he moaned really loudly and I felt a tremor. Louder moan. His ass clamped down on Holden Jr. He was cumming! I looked down just as his hand grabbed his hard dick and then splat! The first jet of white liquid squirted out. I thrusted deep one last time and stayed there during his orgasm.
He spurted a few more times. Then he went rigid for a second before he shivered for about 10 seconds. Must have been a powerful climax then...
Once he was coming down from his high, and breathing heavily, I asked him if he was okay for me to continue. See, I haven't climaxed yet... He nodded. So I turned him around, with Holden Jr deep inside him. Once he was on his belly, I continued fucking him.
I had thought about being gentle coz it might be sore for him but his moans were saying otherwise. So I gave it to him. Went to town. His moans became reminiscent of his climaxing moans but I did not feel tremors though. When I finally cum, I collapsed on top of him and we stayed there for a minute.
Then we got cleaned up and he left. It was 5am already... Guess I missed on the opportunity to use Gwen Stefani's 4 in the Morning as a soundtrack for this post eh? :P
Thursday, January 14, 2010
2nd Part Deux
Guess I should say the same day... later at nite...
He came over again... the same deal like the last time, he was bored going home so he wanted to hang out...
Again, like the last time, we sat on the bed, watching TV... until his hands started roaming me... or was it mine roaming his body... either way there were plenty of roaming action... if we were cellphones, our bills would have skyrocketed... :P
Anyway, so this time I decided to get him off coz I got off earlier deep inside of him...
So we started making out and I was kneading his cock to hardness. I could not, for the life of me, work his belt... just like the first session... he had to take his hands off of my nips and undo the belt and get naked...
Hmm, now that I'm reminiscing, I distinctly remember that he did not get naked all the way... he'd kept his shirt on... even though he'd lift it for me to access them tiny nipples...
Anyway, as his bottom half got extremely naked, we resumed kissing and then I worked on his nipples, during which he was gracious enough to raise his shirt... :)
His moans and squirms got to me. I like the feel of a bottom squirming in my arms and moaning... ehehhe... and my mind automatically went to earlier when I was inside his heaven (eat your heart out Carrie Underwood!) and went to town...
But no! I gotta be fair, this is his time... so I went down on him and sucked his cock, to which the moans and the squirming intensified... I went back to the kissing and he raised his legs... I jerked his cock while kissing him...
I think he got the idea and lowered his legs... after a while, his moans intensified and his body stiffened... climax time... the first wave of spurts came out gloppy and hard, followed by a few tiny spurts and then some dry spurting... hehehe...
We kissed and I sent him on his way so that I could get some sleep... working in the morning... :)
Monday, January 11, 2010
Mini Update
I thought I'd just update here a bit... I had a really good day today... a client of my company took a couple of us out for business lunch and said that I would not have any idea what he was talking about since I am 24 years old. Oh, he was talking about a TV show in the 90s... I am 32 years old btw... :)
Then I got this sms from a very cute guy saying that I gave it to him good when we were fooling around, like two years ago. Now he's back in the country and looking me up again. :)
Hmm, just for your info, after the 2nd guy, I had sex with him again. Then, there's another matured malay guy who did something marvelous for me... Then it was Swing Guy and now the cute guy who said I rocked his world... :)
Full stories soon... pray that work ease up a bit for me k?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Like I said in the previous post, the first week is normally like this... getting all kinds of laid, but it'll die down after that for a while...
Actually, I was supposed to be meeting Swing Guy but he could not find transport...
I was not sleepy yet so I stayed awake and played some FB games... then this guy messaged me... wait, or was it me messaging him... oh, it was me... his nick had the word 'permaisuri' in it and I was pretty sure it meant Bandar Sri Permaisuri and not Queen as in Drama Queen...
We got to talking and he said he could not sleep. He asked me to go to the mamaks and have a drink but since I could not really leave my games, I told him to come over to my place. No, seriously, I could not leave the game. There was a deadline etc... Of course, the invite was a double-edged sword... hehehe... maybe I could get lucky with this one...
He did not mention he was a chaser or that he likes em meatier... so I did not really know...
Anyway, he finally came over and we hung out, watching tv. It was like 4 in the morning already and he's supposed to go to work at 9...
He did not seem interested in anything other than hanging out so I just watched TV... until he leaned into me... so I was watching TV with him in my arms... okay, one arm was feeling him up... hehehe... until he fell asleep... poor boy so tired... so I left him alone and continued with my FB games...
Until I myself grew sleepy and crawled next to him... he hugged me in his sleep and I fell asleep in his arms...
I woke up a couple of hours later and continued my gaming... he woke up and his hands immediately sought me out... when he found me, he kept fondling me... in his sleep... so I fondled back... and soon, clothes flew off and I was pinching his nipples... eheheh...
He liked it a lot. So I used my tongue to drive him wild. His thick but short cock grew hard in my hand. I continue torturing his nips with my tongue. His hand sought my cock and massaged it to life and the other hand tweaked my nipples.
As soon as Holden Jr's up and ready, I flipped him on his belly. Suited up and lubed his hole. I licked his earlobes while aiming for the hole, distracting him a bit from the impending skewering...
He winced when Holden Jr first poked through... his whole body went stiff... I ease up on the penetration but did not take it out... I slowly begin to continue penetration after a few seconds... his stiffening started to get loose and soon I was deeply embedded in him...
I started moving inside of him. He leaned back for a kiss and his moans all went into my mouth. As soon as I feel the sensation of a climax building up, I put my arms around him and did a switcheroo. I ended up on my back and he was lying on top of me. I reached for his cock and jerked him, hopefully in time to be in sync with my orgasm. He was thrashing wildly on me. At one point, all I had to do was hold his cock. He was moving his ass so much, riding my dick that he was inadvertantly giving himself a handie as well.
Unfortunately, the plan failed. I came before he did. He felt the tremors and fell on me, as if he was the one who came... I tried jerking him off but his cock was softening, just as mine was, even though still deeply embedded in his warmth...
Sunlight's streaming through. It was time for him to leave for work. He got ready and left. The next night, he came over again...
Friday, January 1, 2010
My two days have been okay. Being on leave is always good yes? Plus I have been getting laid. Twice. With two guys. So one guy for each day of the new year.
But I am pretty sure that's gonna be it for a while. It's like a pattern. Every first week of the year, I'd get plenty of action... like maybe five guys... I think it was in 2007... hehehe...
So, the first guy of the year... hmm, of course I have some other sexcapades to share with you from last year... but the first guy of 2010... let's call him Short Guy... coz, duh, he's short...
I think he stood at exactly my manboobies. Anyways, we chatted in the wee hours of the morning. I'd just came back from my fren's place for a potluck gathering and he came back from a fren's party... the funny story was... his nick at IRC was exactly the nick my colleague uses on facebook... and this colleague is always very hands-on with me AKA always try to fondle me inappropriately whenever I walk by his cubicle... which is all the time since my cubicle is against the wall and his was next to mine...
So I just wanted to know if it's the same guy or not... it's not... dunno if I was disappointed or relieved... anyway, we exchanged pictures and he says I was handsome... but he was too tired to drive out... dude, I am all for sex but it was already close to 5am and I do need to get my cutie sleep...
We made a plan to meet for lunch AKA after we wake up... he drove to Permaisuri and we had lunch, which he paid for. Which is always a good thing... then he asked if I wanted to go for karaoke... that is like asking me if I like to lick ass... the answer is obviously "YES!!"
So he drove me to his place coz he was meeting his landlord and his new housemate... but I know that trip was more to get me into bed... which was true... he was all over me as soon as the two guys left... but the problem with this sitch is that he doesn't do heavy stuff... just into masturbation and sucking... sigh...
But his sucking was intense and enthused... I thought I was gonna cum but I of course did not... it felt incredible still... and we were getting late for our karaoke booking so I told him unless it's an ass, I ain't cumming... so I focused on making him cum... which is apparently not too hard... his cock was small enough for me to suck and not choke and I just finish him off with a handie...
Then we went for karaoke... the most annoying part about that was him constantly wanting to sing my songs... sigh... lucky he was paying for it... guess the no anal sex was compensated with free lunch, free dinner buffet and free karaoke... I felt like Pretty Woman... call me Vivian, darling... but Holden Jr will still be Holden Jr coz Vivian Jr is a vajayjay... :P