Massage Oil Guy got weird with me after our initial encounter.
He kept asking me to come over to his place. Every single night after. I guess he doesn't get that I am a workaholic who's married to my job.
I told him I was working but he still insisted I come over.
Even when I told him I was going back to home town to see family, he insisted I come over first before I leave... what the..????
And when I am out with frens, he'd get upset that I was not spending time with him instead...
What is this? A relationship? I know I popped his cherry but he has a girlfriend and did not say or indicate he wanted more... plus, I'd only known him for less than a few weeks... I am not gonna ditch frens and/or work for him...
So one night, he sent me a message saying that I was just using him for sex. Which was kinda true... but I did not intend for that to happen. I just got busy.
I never replied but then he kept messaging and messaging, up to a point where he kept apologizing. Asking for my forgiveness. Guess he figured out the silent treatment means I am angry.
Finally I responded. Damn straight I was angry. I told him nicely that I have plans laid out already (birthday month - mine and nephew) so I was really busy... but he got weird and demanded the time that I don't have so screw him... and not literally... sigh...
now tats why i so scare to mess with boys. i just dont have the energy to layan all these...