I am not sure but there’s something about Sarawak boys that I find attractive. I have been chatting with this one Sarawak guy for almost two years now. Of course we haven’t met because he lives over there and I ain’t spending money just for sex.
We even tried long distance relationship. Yeah, I did not know what I was thinking. That ended quickly. Because the guy was too clingy. I had to call him every 5 minutes and SMS him every 5 seconds. At the end of the day, my bill would have been higher than KL Tower. He’d just miscall me so it would not cost him anything. Now, if I were getting some, then I might turn a blind eye but I ain’t getting laid and spending a bunch of money still. As Amy Winehouse or Destiny’s Child would say, “No, no, no!”
He came to the peninsular once and wanted me to fetch him at KLIA. Again, I invoked the Beehived One. No! No! No!
Last month, I got a miscall from him. Naturally, I discarded it. Until a Wednesday. He SMSed me. He never said he was in KL. But he asked where I was working at. It turned out he had been working in KL for one month already and our offices are just across the street from each other.
So I asked him out for lunch. He said that I’d have to pay for the lunch. Typical. Fine. Whatever. As long as I get to see him face to face for the first time.
When we do meet… invoking Aly & AJ… like whoa!!
He is far cuter and hotter than his pictures! I guess some people don’t photograph well. I was turned on already. Unfortunately, I had to tell Holden Jr to cool his jets coz we’re at a public place and as soon as some blood rush back to my brain, I seem to recall that he has a boyfriend. Go figure. That seems to be my MO these days. Sigh.
Anyways, we had lunch and talked. Safe talk. Nothing sexy. I swear.
Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, he asked if he could go out with me for a movie on the weekends or something. I of course did not mind. He also asked if he could hang out at my place one day. Ah-hah!! That’s the line right? When a guy says he wants to go to your place or when you invite someone back to your place… it means sex right? No? Really? Does that mean that I put out when I did not have to? Oh well, I am over it. Hehhehehe.
Anywho, again, I of course did not mind. Just before we left the lunch place, he suggested that I come to his place that night. It was just walking distance from our offices anyways. Ah-hah!! The invite! For sex! Right? No? Can someone shed the light on this subject please…
Then, he asked me, if I was sure I wanted to come to his place. Of course I would. He asked me that question again. For a total of five times in a minute. I so wanted to kiss him and do him there and then to shut him up. Heheheheh. Cool your jets Holden Jr…
He then asked whether I was a top or a bottom. Anything you want me to be baby. Oh, that was Holden Jr talking. I am versatile but I told him I was top. What? I only bottom for a select few. He made a face (quite cute) and asked me to go gently on him. So he wanted to get it on yeah? Asking about roles and stuff.
Cut to – 6pm. We met up and he took me back to his place. He said he was famished so we stopped and bought some food. He was overly cautious when we got to his place. He’s renting a room and I guess he did not wanna be seen bringing a guy home. Maybe coz he’s afraid someone might snitch him out to his boyfriend when boyfriend visit or something.
Anyways, I took a shower and he wolfed down his food. We sat around watching TV. His phone never stopped ringing. So famous and so busy. My phone did not ring once. Then he asked me to lie down with him. Ooh, the fun was starting…
To be Continued...
A classic post Holden, I'm sure I'm not the only reader waiting for more! Have a great w/e.