I had been going out of the city quite often these past weekends... one time, I was on my way back to KL from Johor... and I received a message from a past conquest... he's probably not in OE 4.0... we've met and done it about a year ago...
He said he was in town and wanted to meet up... so we set a time around 9-ish... around the time I'd arrive back in KL...
He's a tall kid, dark complexion like mine, has a goofy smile... legs that go on forever... slim...
But now he's bulked up... he said he's fatter but he looked good to me... he may be heavier now but he filled up in all the right places... nothing was too flabby... holding him in my arms while fucking him felt really good... but I am jumping ahead eh?
So we did the small talk when he arrived... seemed like he's a bit shy... guess it had been a while since I last slid Holden Jr in his warm mouth and ass...
He asked if we could turn off the TV and the bedroom lights... then we got it on... but he was still a bit hesitant... so I had to take the lead... sigh...
Pulled him on top of me and started licking his neck... he did the same for me after... but it seemed he wanted to give me a hickey... ordinarily I'd like that but I was not in the mood to be marked so I pushed him off... hope that won't be weird, me pushing him off...
It did not turn weird. He got up and took of his clothes and then undressed me. He mounted me and started to play with my nipples. Using his tongue. Nice...
I reached over and tweak his... and then grabbed his dick... I only had it in my hands for literally two seconds when he grabbed my hand and removed it from his dick. He said he was about to cum... sure enough, a couple of seconds later he unloaded... without touching... guess he failed to contain the orgasm...
I asked if I could still fuck him, he said he would very much like it if I would... so we suited up and he sat on it, pushing it in to the hilt... I grabbed his nipples and tweaked it while he moaned and started to ride Holden Jr...
Told you his legs were long yes? He kept changing his leg position... guess he was seeking the best position to get fucked deep... in the end, he pushed himself forward while holding on to my chest and I fucked him hard and fast from beneath...
After a while, we switched positions... to the doggy style... he moaned every time I pushed in... told you he was tall right? I could not really grab on to his shoulders so I grabbed his hips while grinding into him... soon, my hands started to slide downwards until I reached his groin... kept fucking him hard... and then I felt it... his dick... it was swinging wildly... up down all around... like in those pornos... it was semi hard and it kept on swinging to my fuck beat... hawt!
I could not contain myself anymore... pushed him down hard on his stomach and penetrated as I lay on top of him... then I started fucking him hard yet again... he asked me if I would cum soon... twice...
Forgot that he had spurted... so I quickened my pace... his moans grew desperate... like it was hurting him... but he did not want me to stop... or at least that's how it sounded... I assured him I was close already... which was true... soon as I spurted, we went to clean up and hung out a bit until his friend came to pick him up...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The One That Got Away
*am trying something new - no smut*
I haven't had a lot of relationships (which I guess is quite good for this blog yes?). Yes, I've fallen in love before and either I got my heart stabbed right at the beginning or I get dumped...
Anyways, there was this one guy... I had always been attracted to him and I am still wondering until today whether he was attracted to me or not... bear in mind, this was during my awkward phase when I had low self esteem and did not like myself AKA not a slut yet...
His name was Nicolas. He was a German foreign student at USC. He came for his MBA in 2002, the year I graduated. However, me without my working permit, I decided that it would be more fun hanging out at campus and helping out with orientation. It wasn’t Nicolas that I first noticed.
I first noticed Thomas, another German student, which is another story altogether. However, as it were, I was flirting with Thomas on the first day of orientation when Nicolas suddenly came up to us and joined in on the conversation. I thought it was slightly odd. I had only seen him once before at the International Office but he was always flanked with two other Germans.
There was also that one time, during one of the orientation speeches that I was helping out with that I noticed Nicolas looking at me. It threw me off slightly that a hot guy would be looking my way with his legs spread wide open and I could see his inner thighs. By the way, Nicolas was so my type. Tall, blond and European. Makes me hot and bothered just thinking about it.
Of course there this one time he sang to me while everybody else was on the campus tour. I noticed he was looking at me, although he probably did not think I would because he was wearing shades. Unfortunately for him, his back was facing the sun so the light made the shades transparent. I could totally see him mentally undressing me with his eyeballs. Okay, so I made up that part. A girl can dream.
Also, at the moment, I was fixated with the boy with huge crotch that I never really gave it a second thought. I think I had this fantasy that I guy I’m pining for should pine back and I really did not give anyone else a chance for some pining action.
Anyway, Nicolas said he’s had the campus tour when he visited in July. It was a response to my statement: “Maybe you should listen to what they’re saying,” instead of lingering near me and mentally undressing me. So, that was when I started chatting him up since Thomas was nowhere near my sight.
Also, had to admit that my heart did beat slightly faster when Nicolas was standing close to me. I stuttered right through some of the questions. When he said he enjoyed singing, I asked him what kind of songs does he do. He replied anything. With one eyebrow raised, I dared him, “Even Whitney?” He shrugged and answered, “Mariah too.” Woah! Could he be any gayer?
So he proceeded to sing because I put on my nonchalant/non-believer face on. He sang to me. A Whitney song! I don’t exactly remember what it was but no one has ever sung to me before. I so enjoyed being serenaded.
After that serenade, we parted ways but met up again for the International Student Dinner. I arrived early, in my faux leather/PVC pants and was chatting up a storm with the other students and catching up. Then he breezed into the lounge and promptly left his flanks and caught up with me.
I was talking to this one Thailand guy and he joined in the conversation. I found out quite a lot about this guy. He’s one of those outdoorsy guys, very into rock climbing and stuff like that. He has one of the biggest feet I’ve seen since Ronald McDonalds! It was a size 15! Mine were only 12 and the Thailand guy’s were 13. I’ve heard about people with big hands and feet have big… brains.
He spent the entire night with me. We played pool and table tennis and ate together too. That was actually one of the last times I saw him for more than 10 minutes. After that, I got a job up in Colorado Springs and I did not see him for months. I finally saw him again three weeks before I left the States for home.
I had quit my job then and went to the university to catch up with old friends and enemies. I went to the International Student Club meeting and he was there as well. At the end of the meeting, both him and I were lingering around the International Office. Finally, I mustered enough courage to ask him out but he beat me to the chase.
He asked if he could play table tennis with me, if I was free. I told him I was free but I have three more weeks left before I had to leave the States. So we went and played for an hour. I asked him if he wanted to go bowling or something. He said he’d consider it. I gave him my number. Lo and behold, he called me and we went bowling.
I was ecstatic. I mean, it’s not like this guy was lacking friends and yet he chose to go out with me. One bowling date became two and the next thing I know we were having suppers and dinners together and we even went and saw a movie. My last ever night in the States was a Tuesday night, which was also a bowling night.
I told Nicolas about it when we were bowling the week before and he said he might be busy with papers. I was resigned to the fact that I would not be seeing him after that night. I was so surprised that he called me and took me bowling again. He said he was busy but he still would make time for me because it was my last night. We said goodbye after that because I might not see him tomorrow.
I did see him the next day at the university. I went to say goodbye to everyone and he showed up as well. He grabbed my head from behind and in front of everyone, he ruffled my do. Dayyyymn, not the do! Anyway, we chatted for a while until he had to leave for a class. He extended his hand and I shook it. He wanted to let go but I firmly gripped it, to not let him go. He looked confused at first. Then, he gripped my hand back.
After a couple of minutes, I let go but he did not. He held on to me for another 10 minutes. Just us guys, holding hands for all the world to see. Then, he smiled and let me go and walked away. Everyone had coy smiles plastered on their faces looking at me. That was the last I saw/heard of Nicolas. Looking back, I wished I had the guts to approach him way back when, as opposed to when I had the expiration date looming... maybe we could've been something... sigh...
I haven't had a lot of relationships (which I guess is quite good for this blog yes?). Yes, I've fallen in love before and either I got my heart stabbed right at the beginning or I get dumped...
Anyways, there was this one guy... I had always been attracted to him and I am still wondering until today whether he was attracted to me or not... bear in mind, this was during my awkward phase when I had low self esteem and did not like myself AKA not a slut yet...
His name was Nicolas. He was a German foreign student at USC. He came for his MBA in 2002, the year I graduated. However, me without my working permit, I decided that it would be more fun hanging out at campus and helping out with orientation. It wasn’t Nicolas that I first noticed.
I first noticed Thomas, another German student, which is another story altogether. However, as it were, I was flirting with Thomas on the first day of orientation when Nicolas suddenly came up to us and joined in on the conversation. I thought it was slightly odd. I had only seen him once before at the International Office but he was always flanked with two other Germans.
There was also that one time, during one of the orientation speeches that I was helping out with that I noticed Nicolas looking at me. It threw me off slightly that a hot guy would be looking my way with his legs spread wide open and I could see his inner thighs. By the way, Nicolas was so my type. Tall, blond and European. Makes me hot and bothered just thinking about it.
Of course there this one time he sang to me while everybody else was on the campus tour. I noticed he was looking at me, although he probably did not think I would because he was wearing shades. Unfortunately for him, his back was facing the sun so the light made the shades transparent. I could totally see him mentally undressing me with his eyeballs. Okay, so I made up that part. A girl can dream.
Also, at the moment, I was fixated with the boy with huge crotch that I never really gave it a second thought. I think I had this fantasy that I guy I’m pining for should pine back and I really did not give anyone else a chance for some pining action.
Anyway, Nicolas said he’s had the campus tour when he visited in July. It was a response to my statement: “Maybe you should listen to what they’re saying,” instead of lingering near me and mentally undressing me. So, that was when I started chatting him up since Thomas was nowhere near my sight.
Also, had to admit that my heart did beat slightly faster when Nicolas was standing close to me. I stuttered right through some of the questions. When he said he enjoyed singing, I asked him what kind of songs does he do. He replied anything. With one eyebrow raised, I dared him, “Even Whitney?” He shrugged and answered, “Mariah too.” Woah! Could he be any gayer?
So he proceeded to sing because I put on my nonchalant/non-believer face on. He sang to me. A Whitney song! I don’t exactly remember what it was but no one has ever sung to me before. I so enjoyed being serenaded.
After that serenade, we parted ways but met up again for the International Student Dinner. I arrived early, in my faux leather/PVC pants and was chatting up a storm with the other students and catching up. Then he breezed into the lounge and promptly left his flanks and caught up with me.
I was talking to this one Thailand guy and he joined in the conversation. I found out quite a lot about this guy. He’s one of those outdoorsy guys, very into rock climbing and stuff like that. He has one of the biggest feet I’ve seen since Ronald McDonalds! It was a size 15! Mine were only 12 and the Thailand guy’s were 13. I’ve heard about people with big hands and feet have big… brains.
He spent the entire night with me. We played pool and table tennis and ate together too. That was actually one of the last times I saw him for more than 10 minutes. After that, I got a job up in Colorado Springs and I did not see him for months. I finally saw him again three weeks before I left the States for home.
I had quit my job then and went to the university to catch up with old friends and enemies. I went to the International Student Club meeting and he was there as well. At the end of the meeting, both him and I were lingering around the International Office. Finally, I mustered enough courage to ask him out but he beat me to the chase.
He asked if he could play table tennis with me, if I was free. I told him I was free but I have three more weeks left before I had to leave the States. So we went and played for an hour. I asked him if he wanted to go bowling or something. He said he’d consider it. I gave him my number. Lo and behold, he called me and we went bowling.
I was ecstatic. I mean, it’s not like this guy was lacking friends and yet he chose to go out with me. One bowling date became two and the next thing I know we were having suppers and dinners together and we even went and saw a movie. My last ever night in the States was a Tuesday night, which was also a bowling night.
I told Nicolas about it when we were bowling the week before and he said he might be busy with papers. I was resigned to the fact that I would not be seeing him after that night. I was so surprised that he called me and took me bowling again. He said he was busy but he still would make time for me because it was my last night. We said goodbye after that because I might not see him tomorrow.
I did see him the next day at the university. I went to say goodbye to everyone and he showed up as well. He grabbed my head from behind and in front of everyone, he ruffled my do. Dayyyymn, not the do! Anyway, we chatted for a while until he had to leave for a class. He extended his hand and I shook it. He wanted to let go but I firmly gripped it, to not let him go. He looked confused at first. Then, he gripped my hand back.
After a couple of minutes, I let go but he did not. He held on to me for another 10 minutes. Just us guys, holding hands for all the world to see. Then, he smiled and let me go and walked away. Everyone had coy smiles plastered on their faces looking at me. That was the last I saw/heard of Nicolas. Looking back, I wished I had the guts to approach him way back when, as opposed to when I had the expiration date looming... maybe we could've been something... sigh...
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Have you guys seen Phobia 2? The Thai horror anthology? Some of the men in this movie are hawt!! Especially the one on the far right of the above poster... Charlie Trairat...
He was cute as a kid. Saw him in another Thai horror few years back called Dorm... now he's grown up and had turned into a hot young man... me likey... heheheh
Monday, November 9, 2009
Retro Post: Latino
During my student years, I was not very active sexually. Okay, there were a couple of attempts at sex but that was pretty much it.
Even when I went to America to study. I was too busy studying and working to pursue sex. But the thought had crossed my mind. I did go clubbing once or twice but nothing happened. I was not confident coz I was way too fat back then. Not that I am skinny now but I was really, really big. Friends now are shocked if they see my old pictures. Now I am at a manageable size I think, not too fat, not too skinny...
Anyway, in America, there had been all these phone sex lines. Not that I call or subscribe to it. I only tried the personals. On the phone. You listen to people's messages and contact them.
There was this one guy who wanted to hook up with me. He was a hot Latino guy. Muscled and tattooed and everything. Mind you, it was like a blind date coz you don't see them over the phone right? Unless it's now where there's 3G and stuff...
So he came over and he was as advertised. Latino. Muscled. Tattooed. A bit shorter than me. But still hot. Dayyyymmnn.. Me likey...
He came in to the living room and asked for a porno tape to be popped in the VCR (yes, this was back then, before DVD exploded onto the scene) and he stripped off. God, you have no idea how hot and bothered I was... I only had sex twice previously. Once with the guy who popped my front cherry and the other time with this Arab guy who dry humped me and spurted a bucket on my back...
Muscled Latino whipped out his cock and asked me to suck it. I of course wanted to but somehow... I was a bit scared and intimidated. Not that it was very huge or anything. Guess I was still young, inexperienced and not used to one night stands... huh... I've come a long way eh? :P
But I did do it. Put his cock in my mouth. And played with his balls and also his muscular body. After a bit, he asked to go into the bedroom. He stood facing me and played with my nipples. I stroked his cock...
He asked for a condom, which I actually had because there had been Sex Week the week before and they were giving out condoms to promote safe sex. I tell ya... I was so green back then that I blushed crimson when they handed me the condom... ya know, Malay mentality... taboo... that was pretty out there... receiving condoms out in the open... guess that's how I've built this thick skin where I could just go buy condoms at the pharmacy or 7e without flinching.
I know other guys who have been sucking cock since before puberty but still can't get up the nerve to go and buy condoms... sigh...
Anyway, he laid back and raised his legs. I put the condom on and attempted to penetrate. Attempted is the key word here. I just could not. He went into the doggie style position and asked me to try again. I still can't. Not that I was not hard, it was more because I did not even try to... I was faking it. He was getting impatient. Wanting to get fucked...
You see, I was in love at that point. And every time I almost poked, I kept seeing my guy's face and I just could not. I've always been like that. Every time I am in love with someone, I could not have sex with someone else. I am a one man - man. Loyal and hopelessly romantic. What? What's with the raised eyebrows? I am currently single. All my sexcapades happened during my single years... :P
Anyways, since I could not do it, I asked him to masturbate and I watched as he came... hawt!
After that, he cleaned up and we chatted a bit before he left. Up until now, I still get messages from him, asking if I had returned to America coz he wanted to finish what we started...
Even when I went to America to study. I was too busy studying and working to pursue sex. But the thought had crossed my mind. I did go clubbing once or twice but nothing happened. I was not confident coz I was way too fat back then. Not that I am skinny now but I was really, really big. Friends now are shocked if they see my old pictures. Now I am at a manageable size I think, not too fat, not too skinny...
Anyway, in America, there had been all these phone sex lines. Not that I call or subscribe to it. I only tried the personals. On the phone. You listen to people's messages and contact them.
There was this one guy who wanted to hook up with me. He was a hot Latino guy. Muscled and tattooed and everything. Mind you, it was like a blind date coz you don't see them over the phone right? Unless it's now where there's 3G and stuff...
So he came over and he was as advertised. Latino. Muscled. Tattooed. A bit shorter than me. But still hot. Dayyyymmnn.. Me likey...
He came in to the living room and asked for a porno tape to be popped in the VCR (yes, this was back then, before DVD exploded onto the scene) and he stripped off. God, you have no idea how hot and bothered I was... I only had sex twice previously. Once with the guy who popped my front cherry and the other time with this Arab guy who dry humped me and spurted a bucket on my back...
Muscled Latino whipped out his cock and asked me to suck it. I of course wanted to but somehow... I was a bit scared and intimidated. Not that it was very huge or anything. Guess I was still young, inexperienced and not used to one night stands... huh... I've come a long way eh? :P
But I did do it. Put his cock in my mouth. And played with his balls and also his muscular body. After a bit, he asked to go into the bedroom. He stood facing me and played with my nipples. I stroked his cock...
He asked for a condom, which I actually had because there had been Sex Week the week before and they were giving out condoms to promote safe sex. I tell ya... I was so green back then that I blushed crimson when they handed me the condom... ya know, Malay mentality... taboo... that was pretty out there... receiving condoms out in the open... guess that's how I've built this thick skin where I could just go buy condoms at the pharmacy or 7e without flinching.
I know other guys who have been sucking cock since before puberty but still can't get up the nerve to go and buy condoms... sigh...
Anyway, he laid back and raised his legs. I put the condom on and attempted to penetrate. Attempted is the key word here. I just could not. He went into the doggie style position and asked me to try again. I still can't. Not that I was not hard, it was more because I did not even try to... I was faking it. He was getting impatient. Wanting to get fucked...
You see, I was in love at that point. And every time I almost poked, I kept seeing my guy's face and I just could not. I've always been like that. Every time I am in love with someone, I could not have sex with someone else. I am a one man - man. Loyal and hopelessly romantic. What? What's with the raised eyebrows? I am currently single. All my sexcapades happened during my single years... :P
Anyways, since I could not do it, I asked him to masturbate and I watched as he came... hawt!
After that, he cleaned up and we chatted a bit before he left. Up until now, I still get messages from him, asking if I had returned to America coz he wanted to finish what we started...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Nude Guy Action
Most of you guessed correctly (except for cute Terry, sorry cutie, ehhehe)...
Yup, the guy was tearing the condom pack to get the condom out in the open and on to Holden Jr...
I have the pictures of his next moves (actually putting it on, lubing it and sitting on it and riding it...) and in fact, I have videos too... should I put it up? Nah...
Don't want the world to see Holden Jr... he's shy... like Holden... very shy... ehhehe...
Looks like a short update for now guys, it's 1AM and I have to pack for my trip to Melaka... will not check in until Sunday night or Monday morning... have a good weekend you guys! :)
Yup, the guy was tearing the condom pack to get the condom out in the open and on to Holden Jr...
I have the pictures of his next moves (actually putting it on, lubing it and sitting on it and riding it...) and in fact, I have videos too... should I put it up? Nah...
Don't want the world to see Holden Jr... he's shy... like Holden... very shy... ehhehe...
Looks like a short update for now guys, it's 1AM and I have to pack for my trip to Melaka... will not check in until Sunday night or Monday morning... have a good weekend you guys! :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I suppose everyone has fetishes. Something that would bring them to the edge faster. I myself has a vampire fetish. No, not wanting to boink Spike or Angel... well, if they asked me to, I wouldn't say no... to both the characters or the actors...
But I digress... Bites on the neck... that is what turns me on...
Anyway, there's this one slim guy, years back, when I first moved to the city... he had this peculiar fetish... golden shower... now golden shower I can handle... in fact, I've done a couple of other guys who are into golden showers...
For the uninitiated, golden shower enthusiasts are basically pee lovers... some of them loved to be peed on while some even go to the extreme of drinking the pee... yes, yes, I've fed my urine to guys... what? they asked for it... and I get to fuck them after... win win sitch... um, does that mean I too am a golden shower enthusiast?
In any event, besides golden shower, this slim guy was also into scat. Yup, he referred to himself as the human toilet. In fact, whatever it is that a chubby guy dishes out, he'll take it... pee, cum, scat...
I guess I am not as kinky as he is coz I found that totally gross... but we met up and I did the whole peeing in his mouth thing... and he rimmed me, the deepest rimming I've ever had... guess he really wanted it badly...
But no, I've never used his mouth as a toilet...
Cut to: the present... I was parking (read: logged in but not actively doing anything) in IRC and this guy messaged me... asking if I would pee in his mouth... as I said before, I am no stranger to peeing on people or in people's mouth so I did not really mind...
He also wished to ingest my cum... which is okay... but then, he pulled out the 'scat' card... turned me off... before I could press on, he logged off... guess he knew I was turned off... what are the chances this present day scatman is actually the same guy I did years ago...
Hmm, I think the chances are pretty high that it's the same guy... have I gone full circle? I don't think I've done everybody yet... hahahah... I am not that big a slut.. wait, maybe I am... am I?
But I digress... Bites on the neck... that is what turns me on...
Anyway, there's this one slim guy, years back, when I first moved to the city... he had this peculiar fetish... golden shower... now golden shower I can handle... in fact, I've done a couple of other guys who are into golden showers...
For the uninitiated, golden shower enthusiasts are basically pee lovers... some of them loved to be peed on while some even go to the extreme of drinking the pee... yes, yes, I've fed my urine to guys... what? they asked for it... and I get to fuck them after... win win sitch... um, does that mean I too am a golden shower enthusiast?
In any event, besides golden shower, this slim guy was also into scat. Yup, he referred to himself as the human toilet. In fact, whatever it is that a chubby guy dishes out, he'll take it... pee, cum, scat...
I guess I am not as kinky as he is coz I found that totally gross... but we met up and I did the whole peeing in his mouth thing... and he rimmed me, the deepest rimming I've ever had... guess he really wanted it badly...
But no, I've never used his mouth as a toilet...
Cut to: the present... I was parking (read: logged in but not actively doing anything) in IRC and this guy messaged me... asking if I would pee in his mouth... as I said before, I am no stranger to peeing on people or in people's mouth so I did not really mind...
He also wished to ingest my cum... which is okay... but then, he pulled out the 'scat' card... turned me off... before I could press on, he logged off... guess he knew I was turned off... what are the chances this present day scatman is actually the same guy I did years ago...
Hmm, I think the chances are pretty high that it's the same guy... have I gone full circle? I don't think I've done everybody yet... hahahah... I am not that big a slut.. wait, maybe I am... am I?
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